SEN Support

The Graduated Approach

These pages explain how children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) should be supported by schools, early years settings and colleges using the Graduated Approach.

The Graduated Approach recognises that children and young people learn in different ways and can have different kinds or levels of SEN. So increasingly, step by step, specialist expertise can be brought in to support the child to achieve the best possible outcomes.

If you need any help to understand some of the terms mentioned have a look at our guide to key words and meanings.


What are Special Educational Needs?

I think my child may have SEN

What is Inclusive Quality First Teaching?

What is the Graduated Approach?

What is SEN Support?

What should educational settings do?

What is the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle?

When do other professionals get involved?

What if no progress is made at SEN Support? Find out more about the EHC Needs Assessment process

Find out more about EHC plans

SEN Funding

Printable version -  Trafford Graduated Approach to Special Educational Needs: A guide for parent carers and young people.

You can read more in depth information on the Graduated Approach in the I am a Practitioner   area  which explains in detail the provision for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) which should be available. The Graduated approach guidance also provides the threshold for access to the high needs funding block.


What should I do if special educational needs are not being met?

If you still have concerns and want to talk with an independent organisation you can contact Trafford SENDIASS. Tel: 0161 912 3150 Email: 



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Last updated: 12/12/2023

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