Specialist Primary Schools in Trafford

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Trafford introduced a model of local primary special school provision. It is for children with severe and complex learning needs and autism. The aim is that special schools can meet the needs of their local community and be more accessible to parents and children. This means children will spend less time on transport.

Three schools will cater for this broad range of special educational need:

Trafford children with a Statement/EHCP requiring this specialist provision and not currently attending one of these schools will be offered a place in the school closest to them that caters for their postcode (as below).  If your child currently attends one of these schools but you reside in a different postcode you can find out more in the section below My child currently attends Pictor Academy or Delemere School.

Longford Park School caters primarily for children with social and emotional needs and will continue to cater for children from across Trafford, therefore it is not part of this model.

To enable this local approach detailed work has been carried out in relation to Trafford postcode areas involving number of houses, population density, travel routes and natural boundaries such as motorways. Postcodes are split as below:-

Delamere School            Pictor Academy              The Orchards      
M31 WA14 M15
M41 WA15 M16
M33 4/5/6/7 M33 2/3 M32

 If you want to change to the special school for your postcode area, please complete the Request to move to my local special school form


Home to school transport

All offers of a new school are made in-line with the Trafford All Age Travel Assistance policy. Any change of special school will require a new travel assistance request to be made. You can find full details of our policy in Home to School Transport.


My child currently attends Pictor Academy or Delamere School

It is not intended that the agreed local special school model will be used to relocate children currently placed in these special schools with a Statement/EHCP. However if a child lives within the postcode allocated to a different school and a parent/carer would prefer their child to attend that school they can make a request using the request form.

An interim Annual Review will have to be called to discuss this and enable the Statement/EHCP to be changed. If a change of school is requested and travel assistance is in place, a new request is required in line with the All Age Travel Assistance Policy.


My child has been offered a nursery assessment place

Some children attend Pictor or Delamere prior to Reception on pre-school assessment places. Since September 2016 t new pre-school assessment places have been offered by Trafford at Pictor and Delamere and children are offered these based on the local special school model using postcodes above. Those fitting The Orchard’s postcode will usually be offered the closest school Pictor or Delamere until they transfer to Reception at the Orchards and have the school named in their EHCP.


Naming a school in a new Education Health and Care (EHC) plan

Following an EHC needs assessment if a child is to be issued with an EHC Plan parents are asked their preference through this process and may request a mainstream or special school.  Where it is felt special school provision is required, the local primary special school model will be used to determine which school is offered.

The local authority must comply with your preference and name the school or college in the EHC plan unless provision there is considered to not meet their needs, not represent good value for money or would impact negatively on the education of others.


Requesting a change of school that doesn't follow the model

Any discussion about changing special school outside of the Local primary special school model should be discussed initially with the Headteacher of the school. It can then be considered through the usual Annual Review process and the EHC Panel will consider any recommendations.  Independent Advice and Support is available as below.


Advice and Support

Trafford SEND Information and Support Service (SENDIASS) can support you to complete the form or advise you on the process.

In the early years, you may be working closely with a member of Trafford Early Development Service (TEDS) or the SEN Advisory Service who can also support you.

Your EHC Coordinator can also advise on the process.



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Last updated: 24/06/2022

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