Domestic Abuse and Money Education (DAME) Guidance for Professionals

Domestic Abuse and Money Education: Guidance for Professionals Supporting Survivors with Financial Issues was developed out of the Domestic Abuse, Money and Education project (DAME), a three year project undertaken by Women’s Aid Federation of England (Women’s Aid) and Money Advice Plus Services (MAPS) working in partnership, and funded by the Nationwide Foundation.

Research and practical experience provides conclusive evidence that living with domestic violence and abuse often has a direct impact on the financial circumstances of the victim/survivor and her children. We set up this project because we believed that existing money and debt advice services often lacked knowledge of the particular financial difficulties survivors of abuse might face.

The DAME project aims to increase the knowledge and confidence of professionals when assisting survivors who are experiencing financial difficulties and learning from the project has influenced the development of the DAME Guidance for Professionals Supporting Survivors with Financial Issues.

The guidance provides a step by step guide on how to assist survivors with financial issues and debt. It is not intended as a substitute for professional money and debt advice, but provides a general overview of the issues.

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