Prince's Trust

Around one in five young people in the UK are not in work, education or training. Youth unemployment costs the UK economy £10 million a day in lost productivity, while youth crime costs £1 billion every year.

We address this by giving practical and financial support to the young people who need it most. We help develop key skills, confidence and motivation, enabling young people to move into work, education or training.

Programmes to support young people

We run programmes that encourage young people to take responsibility for themselves – helping them build the life they choose rather than the one they’ve ended up with:

  • The Enterprise programme provides money and support to help young people start up in business.
  • The Team programme is a 12-week personal development course, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.
  • Get Started are short courses designed to help young people develop new skills, build confidence and have fun, helping them to move forwards in their lives.
  • Get into are short courses offering intensive training and experience in a specific sector to help young people get a job.
  • Development Awards are small grants to enable young people to access education, training or work.
  • Prince's Trust xl clubs give 13-19 year olds who are at risk of truanting, exclusion and underachievement a say in their education. They aim to improve attendance, motivation and social skills.
  • The Fairbridge programme works with young people aged 13-25, giving them the motivation, self-confidence and skills they need to change their lives.

We also have Job Ambassadors who have been in the young person's position and which can help you with advice, guidance and inspiration.

Who to contact

0800 842 842 0800 842 842
Prince's Trust website
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Who is it for?

  • From 11 to 30
Eligibility Details

There are almost one million young people in the UK not in education, employment or training. The Prince's Trust focuses its efforts on those people who need our help the most.

We have four key target groups:

  • Unemployed young people
  • Young people underachieving in education
  • Young people leaving care
  • Young offenders and ex-offenders



Accessible to all


Free to contact


Referral Required?
Referral Details

We receive applications to join Prince’s Trust programmes from young people and referral agencies as well as parents and guardians.

Are you a young person interested in joining a programme?

It’s great that you’re interested in getting involved. There are various ways of getting in touch:

  • If you’re unsure which course or programme would suit you best, you can call 0800 842842, to speak to one of our Prince's Trust advisors. They can help by pointing you in the right direction.
  • If you’re an unemployed young person aged 13-25 and interested in joining the Fairbridge programme, please call or email your local Prince’s Trust centre, or drop in to the centre for more information. You can find the address and contact details for our 16 centres on our Prince's Trust centre pages on our website.
  • For all other programmes you can contact us through the Enquiry form on our website, and we will get in touch with you.

Do you know a young person who will benefit from joining a programme?

If you're a parent, guardian or from a statutory/voluntary organisation (such as schools, housing services and hostels, youth offending teams, CAMHS, youth and social services), you can refer a young person to The Prince's Trust.

The Fairbridge programme

To refer a young person to the Fairbridge programme you will need to email a referral form to the relevant contact at the young person’s nearest centre. You can find the address and contact details for our 16 centres on our Prince's Trust centre pages on our website.

A form should be completed for every young person referred to the programme, and is compulsory for young people with an unspent conviction.

Get Started / Get Into courses

To refer a young person to a Get Started or Get into course please fill in a referral form (below). The form should be completed for every young person referred to these courses, and is compulsory for young people with an unspent conviction.

For all other programmes, please contact us by phone or through the Enquiry form on our website.


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