SEND Advice for practitioners

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

This is where you will find all our local offer advice pages which are aimed at practitioners. If you can't find what you are looking for or think there is something missing, please let us know by completing our feedback form.


Trafford guidance for education practitioners

Guide to Co-Production

Guidance for early years providers

Supporting Transitions in the Early Years 2023 - A guide for all practitioners and teachers working in Early Years in Trafford

Early Years SEND Funding including Disability Access Fund

Guidance for schools

Guidance for colleges


Trafford Graduated Approach

High expectations for all - an introduction to the Graduated Approach guidance

Inclusive Quality First Teaching

Identification of SEN

Using the Graduated Approach Guidance

- Cognition and Learning

- Communication and Interaction

- Social, Emotional and Mental Health

- Sensory and/or Physical needs

SEND Guidance for education providers: Funding

A Graduated Approach - Supporting Children's Behaviour in the Early Years


Trafford Graduated Approach for Early Years


Cognition and Learning

Speech and Language

Social Communication and Interaction

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Physical Medical

Sensory Impairment Hearing

Sensory Impairment Visual


Trafford education, health and care (EHC) processes

Access all the information and forms which are used for EHC needs assessment and monitoring.

EHC needs assessments - SENCOs

EHC annual reviews - SENCOs



Trafford Combined ADHD Service: TCAS

Learning Disability Annual Health Check Programme

Autism Hub

Designated Clinical Offer SEND (DCO) - Seven minute briefing


Trafford policies and guidance

Trafford Alternative Provision Toolkit 

SEND Communications Toolkit 2022

Trafford accessibility strategy

Home to School transport policy

Elective home education policy

Signs and symbols guidance

Medical conditions and intimate care

Trafford Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Two Year Old Integrated Review


Government advice and statutory guidance

SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years

Reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils

Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions

Mental health and behaviour in schools

Progress check at age two


Government guides

The government produced a number of guides about the support system for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They will help you understand the code of practice. 

SEND: guide for early years settings

SEND: guide for schools and alternative provision settings

SEND: guide for further education providers

SEND: guide for social care professionals

SEND: guide for health professionals


NHS England Guides for Health Professionals

Guidance for health services for children and young people with SEND

Commissioning for transition to adult services for young people with SEND


More about Trafford SEND

Trafford SEND Local Offer Explained


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Last updated: 06/03/2024

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