* Connexions Trafford

Connexions logo, tagline Let's talk about you

Connexions is the young persons service which provides advice, information, guidance, support and personal development for all 13 to 19 year olds in Trafford (up to 25 years old for disabled young people).

You can get help with personal issues, accessing work / training, advice and guidance, job vacancies, CV writing and internet access.

We provide one to one support from a professionally qualified Careers Adviser.  We support you to recognise skills, achievements and options. We refer and signpost to appropriate organisations if more support is required around particular issues e.g. Young parent, homelessness, mental health, alcohol and drug issues, finance and benefits.

We provide support on an individual basis with making applications, registering with appropriate websites, jobsearching, making a CV, encouragement and motivational support. We can advise on how to start apprenticeships.

We can support and advise young people on an individual basis to address issues that may prevent them from sustaining a job such as finances / benefits or practical issues, such as transport. We can refer to other agencies such as drug / alcohol teams, mental health services etc. if support is required to sustain work. We can signpost to other agencies with regard to other barriers to keeping a job including: Housing, Benefits, Childcare, Disability & knowing your rights.

We would recommend that you telephone our office in the morning before attending to confirm the service is running that day.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Mick McHugh
Contact Position
Connexions Team Leaders
0161 911 8600 0161 911 8600
Connexions Trafford website
Scan to visit this website

We would recommend that you telephone our office in the morning before attending to confirm the service is running that day.

Parent Organisation
* Trafford Youth Engagement Service (YES)

Where to go

Connexions Trafford
Sale Talkshop
Tatton Road
M33 7ZF
View M33 7ZF on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Drop-in is on Thursdays 1pm-5pm at the Talkshop
Time of day

Who is it for?

  • We work with young people aged 13-19 (up to 25 if you are a care leaver or are disabled)
Offering Services To
  • Young Parents
Eligibility Details

Connexions Advice in Schools

There is now a duty on schools to secure independent careers guidance for all year 8-13 pupils. In order to find out if Trafford Connexions deliver the Careers Service in your school or college please contact us on 0161 911 8600 or discuss this with the school directly.

Connexions Advice on Leaving School or College

Call in to one of our drop-in services - no appointment needed. However we would recommend that you telephone us in the morning just to confirm the service is running on that day.



Sale Talkshop Facilities: Accessible toilet and baby changing facilities.





Referral Required?
Referral Details

 Agencies can refer in or young people can self refer


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